walk in for all .net professionals in Pune
We have arranged walk in for all .net professionals with US based MNC in Kalyani Nagar Pune below are the details:
Skills - .net, Sharepoint, SQL, PHP
Experience - 1 to 4 years
Location - Pune
Walk In Date - Saturday, 10th October 2015
Walk In Time - 10:00am to 1:00pm
Address -
Atidan Technologies
EFC India, Level 4, West Wing,
Mari Soft -3 IT Park Marigold Premises,
Marigold Complex, Kalyani Nagar,
Pune 411014
Landmark : Behind Gold Adlabs ( Kalyani Nagar)
Interview Location SPOC - Ms Swati Haldavnekar
Please send an email as a confirmation of your attendance for the walkin
Please carry updated copy of your resume
Latest three months pay slips
Rupesh Kahane